Cabbage soup reseptejä

2014: Trash Pavilion & Fashion

ENG It's January 13, the day Finns traditionally took the Christmas decorations down and got on with their lives (replacing plentiful dining tables with plain cabbagesoup)

Project Kalevankatu: Domo

There was some relish on the side which looked to be made with Chinese cabbage, julienned carrots and cucumber

Lehtikaalichipsit/Kale Chips

Kale is, after all, cabbage. I tried making chorizo and kale soup, which is evidently the national dish of Portugal

Cookbook Harvest

So far I've been inspired by the coleslaw-type of raw cabbage salad recipes, and I'd still go for both the sweet potato tortilla and quinoa-based health meal that's said to stay fresh for long, which makes it perfect for your lunch box
Kaalikeitto – Cabbage Soup

Kaalikeitto – Cabbage Soup

When I finally got home (after missing a bus and waiting for the train for half an hour, as it was late), I prepared a CabbageSoup
Kaalipiirakka – Cabbage Pie

Kaalipiirakka – Cabbage Pie

*  *  *Some time ago I prepared cabbagesoup. I had bought a large white cabbage for the meal, but it turned out to be too much
Aasialainen kanakeitto / Asian Chicken Soup

Aasialainen kanakeitto / Asian Chicken Soup

) and vegetables (cucumber, tomato, corn, spring onion, Chinese cabbage, carrot, sugar snap peas,. Asian Chicken SoupThis is an ingredients-you-have-at-home kind of dish, assuming you like Asian food
Ramen Burger

Ramen Burger

cabbage. Season with mayo and place some cabbage on top. 1 packet instant miso soup. 1 packet instant miso soup

Fat Duck

Red cabbage gazpacho. Mock turtle soup. Ennen mock turtle souppia meille jaettiin pienet paperiliuskat jossa oli pieni tarina keiton historiasta ja samasta paperista selvisi että keiton kilpikonnan liha on korvattu vasikan pään ja jalan lihasta
Soppasunnuntai: kaalikeitto

Soppasunnuntai: kaalikeitto

Kaiken tämän viinin- ja gaalantäyteisen juhlahumun jälkeen on aika palata arkeen ja Soppasunnuntaihin