Mitä on bread flour reseptejä

Bread Bowls / Leipäkulhot

Bread Bowls / Leipäkulhot

Muotteina voit käyttää mitä tahansa uuninkestäviä kulhoja tai astioita. These magnificent bowls of bread made of high fiber flours look great served with any soups making the meal nutritionally more complete and the soups much more fun to eat
Banana Bread / Kruh od banane / Banaanileipä

Banana Bread / Kruh od banane / Banaanileipä

As a note, this banana bread is more of a sweet treat rather than a firm bread you spread butter on, that’s why we add some chopped pieces of chocolate straight into the batter

Rye Bread, the soft introduction

I used organic flour for this one. Organic rye flour. Ryebread is one of the cornerstones of Finnish. It´s also a perfect packed lunch as it won´t go soft even if you have filled it with cucumber or tomato or so on (well, eventually it will but not too easily)
Gluten and Sugar Free Banana Bread

Gluten and Sugar Free Banana Bread

Regular banana bread recipes include at least one cup of farin sugar. Add banana mash, coconut oil, peanut butter, water and chia seed in a bowl and mix together
Gluten-free Soft Sandwich Bread

Gluten-free Soft Sandwich Bread

The bread I've been baking is the one in these pictures. Olen viimeiset kolmisen viikkoa nyt leiponut itse kaiken syömäni tuoreen leivän, sillä valmis gluteeniton leipä on kallista kuin mikä
Chef John's Sourdough Bread

Chef John's Sourdough Bread

rice flour for bread form (banneton). 394 grams breadflour. 1 10-inch banneton (proofing basket). 100 grams sourdough starter